Arrivals and Departures, 2011

Arrivals and Departures aims to interrogate the inextricable links between the demise of numerous Australian native species impacted by the arrival of four species; the fox, rabbit, cane toad and the Indian myna bird. During the 6 minute video, statistical data on hundreds of animal and plant species whose survival is threatened are juxtaposed by four invasive species, responsible in part for their failure to thrive. The work unequivocally measures the costs of simplistic errors of judgement and reflects on the devastating consequences of these one-dimensional decisions, laying bare the folly and ethical fallout.

Exhibition history for Arrivals and Departures    

2112 Imagining the Future, RMIT University Gallery, Swanston Street, Melbourne, 3000.  Dates: November 25th, 2011 – January 28th, 2012.

Arrivals and Departures, Trocadero Art Space, Level 1, 119 Hopkins Street, Footscray, Melbourne 3011. Dates July 6th to July 23rd, 2011