Australian Dialogues
Place-based interventions in three time zones
for United Nations, World Environment Day
5 June, 2024
The Australian Dialogues formed in 2022 to nurture a conversation between Australian creatives working in the ecological space. While seeking to create hopeful actions to address the issues impacting the environments where they live and work, they also remain connected to the broader ecoartspace community. Members of the Australian Dialogue represent the breadth and depth of interdisciplinary creative practice across all states and territories of Australia. Their practices include field-based and academic research, public art, community arts and cultural development, site-specific and site-responsive art, across the visual arts, sound art, moving image, performance, and other art forms.
This group has been discussing actions and collaborations on the theme of ‘care versus management?’, and we are now planning a series of events and activities leading to a group exhibition in Western Australia in 2025 and other events in greater Australia from December 2025 to January 2026. The first of these events will be on World Environment Day, 5 June 2024.
Taking its model from the worldwide 2015 ArtCop21, where “designers, artists, architects, scientists, and international thinkers come together to respond to COP21 and imagine together fresh narratives and perspectives to reinvent new worlds”, Australian ecoartspace members will create mini-public expressions for World Environment Day. All forms of ecological art shall be publicly accessible. For example, considering the power of listening before speaking, members will be creating online and offline active listening opportunities.
Learn more about World Environment Day events on the EcoArtspace website.
My work will be a recording from Kabi Kabi Country, once home to numerous native species. On June 5th, we will sit silently deep within the coastal woodland of the National Park, watching for other animals we may chance upon on the path and listening for bird calls.
#easAUSDialogue #worldenvironmentday2024