‘Archive’ now showing at Light Box Lane, Wonthaggi
I'm thrilled to announce my new body of work, Archive, has opened at Wonthaggi's Light Box Lane. The works reflect on my childhood experience growing up in the 'wilds' of The Cape and its surroundings, the unceded lands of the Bunurong people. Each work reminisces on...

Finalist – Northern Beaches 2024 Environmental Art & Design Prize, Manly.
Thrilled to be a finalist in the Northern Beaches 2024 Environmental Art & Design Prize. The exhibition opens on August 2 at the Manly Art Gallery and Museum, NSW. I am exhibiting Melbourne Museum C27899, 2023, oil on board in the show.

World Environment Day, 2024
The work, A Quiet Path, invites the viewer to pause and reflect on World Environment Day. Recorded on the unceded lands of the Kabi Kabi people, it presents a two-channel feed of coastal woodland and enables the viewer to hear local birds and the sound...

Ecoartspace Australian Dialogues – World Environment Day 2024
Australian Dialogues Place-based interventions in three time zones for United Nations, World Environment Day 5 June, 2024 The Australian Dialogues formed in 2022 to nurture a conversation between Australian creatives working in the ecological space. While seeking to...

Future Publics: Carbon
I am honoured to have Sing featured in the inaugural issue of Future Publics: Carbon, the first booklet in a series of open publications curated by the Climate Change Research Network (CCR-NET) and supported by the Urban Futures Enabling Impact Platform at RMIT...

Zoos Victoria and Monash University collaboration
A little while ago, 5 students from the Master of Design cohort worked with Zoos Victoria to create an immersive and engaging experience for primary school students, focusing on 5 local Australian species. The design outcome features unique craft-based learning and...

Fragile Earth Symposium – Gippsland Gallery
I am pleased to participate in a weekend-long symposium at Gippsland Art Gallery. The program will bring together a range of artists, advocates, academics and authors to discuss how we cultivate responsibility for ecological practices and thinking. Special guest...

Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize
Sing is exhibiting at the South Australia Museum's annual Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize. The exhibition features over 70 works, with each depicting critical issues in our environment. This biennial prize provides an opportunity for artists to investigate the...

Sing: Highly Commended at the Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize 2021
I am pleased to announce Sing was acknowledged with a High Commended Award at the Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design 2021 Prize. Read more about the award. The exhibition continues on to December 12 at Manly Gallery & Museum, West Esplanade Reserve,...

Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize 2021
Excited to announce, Sing is a finalist in the Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize, 2021. The exhibition includes cross-disciplinary selected works by artists and designers across the country who are engaged with the natural world, environmental...

After a couple of false starts due to COVID-19 lockdowns, I am pleased to announce, Biosphere is opening on November 3 and runs till November 20. Stephen McLaughlan Gallery, Nicholas Building. Join us for the opening at 1 pm, November 6.

Art and Science: Communication and Collaboration Panel Discussion
For folks that weren’t able to attend the seminar back in May 2021, here is the audio recording. Many thanks to Bronwyn Johnson, David Karoly and Kit Wise for their inspiring and informative presentations. ?

Feeling Data: Experimenta
Experimenta Social #41, Feeling Data, recording is now available to view. The seminar brings together two artists who explore our connection to natural environments. Often drawing on scientific data, their work transforms this data into the language of art, allowing...

Art and Science: Communication and Collaboration panel discussion.
Saturday, May 1 at 2pm Join me at Bayside Gallery for a fascinating panel discussion about how art and science collaborate to explore and communicate key issues in today's society, particularly climate change and environmental issues. Panellists include Kit Wise,...

Sing’s exhibition is now open
Sing is now showing at Bayside Gallery until May 9. Sing is an immersive installation, incorporating 100 handwoven pendant nests containing individual speakers emitting bird calls, Sing evokes the delicate and intricate connections found in remaining ‘wild’ rainforest...

Sing exhibition dates announced
I am pleased to announce the upcoming exhibition dates for Sing, 2021. 13 March - 9 May Bayside Gallery, Corner Wilson and, Carpenter St, Brighton. Incorporating 100 handwoven pendant nests containing speakers emitting bird calls, Sing evokes the delicate and...

MTALKS Art as Action: Ecology, Resilience & Sustainability
What role does art play in shaping the conversation around climate change & sustainability? Join me on Sunday 31 January in a conversation with Bronwyn Johnson (Executive Director of Climarte), and a panel of contemporary Australian artists (Vicki Couzens, Jen...

Bayside Artist Studio at Billilla Historic Mansion
So this is where I will be working for the next nine months. It looks very snazzy and quite an upgrade on my current studio. I will be undertaking an artist residency at Billilla Historic Mansion, Brighton courtesy of the lovely folks at Bayside Council. The studio...

The Butterfly Effect is exhibiting in New York Times Square
?? Debbie Symons: Limacina Helicina Antarctica The Butterfly Effect - ZAZ Corner from ZAZ10TS on Vimeo. Wow! The Butterfly Effect has made it to Times Square, NYC. It is so amazing to see this work on the big screen especially when the hero is one of the Earths super...

Public Art Magazine, March 2020
Sneak peek of Public Art Magazine's Climate Environment and Art feature written by Yang Hwa-sun. Still pinching myself that my works are a part of this incredible survey of artists and researchers. Artworks featured in the video. Olafur Eliasson, Ice Watch, 2018...

New work grant received from the Copyright Agency
My recent application to the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund Create funding round was successful! I know, super exciting. The grant will fund the development of Sing, a new installation work comprising fifty handwoven pendant nests containing individual speakers...

SDNOW4 Subversive Design—How should we respond to the climate crisis?
“Around the year 2030, we will be in a position where we probably set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will most likely lead to the end of our civilization as we know it. That is unless, in that time, permanent and unprecedented changes in...

Ravenswood Australian Women’s Art Prize
I am excited to announce that The Butterfly Effect, 2016, has been selected as a finalist for the Ravenswood Australian Women's Art Prize, the richest professional art prize for women in Australia. For Sydney folk, the exhibition will be at Ravenswood School for...

Sing now showing at Stephen McLaughlan Gallery
What if beyond our dislocated dreams we could sense a parallel universe made possible because we could see more of the information which we cannot now see? Parallel Universe is now showing at Stephen McLaughlan Gallery 3 - 27 April, 2019 and includes works from Magda...

Labverde Residency: Amazon Rainforest
I have just returned from an incredible residency based in the Amazon rainforest, Manaus. I am currently developing some new works based on learnings from this experience. So stay tuned for some new works. Below are a couple of pictures from the residency. Main...

Ocean Imaginaries | RMIT University
RMIT have developed a video of the Ocean Imaginaries exhibition which focuses on some of the contradictions and conflicted feelings raised by how the ocean is imagined in an age of environmental risk.

Ocean Imaginaries
Ocean Imaginaries, RMIT Gallery's new exhibition opens on the 5th of May and runs until the 1st of July, 2017. The exhibition is part of CLIMARTE's Art+Climate=Chang 2017 Festival and includes artists: Anne Bevan, Emma Critchley & John Roach, Alejandro Duran,...

John Fries Award 2016
JOHN FRIES AWARD EXHIBITION DATES Opening Night: Thursday, 18 August, 2016 Exhibition: Friday, August 19 – Saturday, 1 October, 2016 Where: UNSW Galleries at UNSW Art & Design, Cnr Oxford Street and Greens...

NotFair Art Fair
Sign O’ the Times 16 – 21 August 2016 524 Flinders Street, Melbourne Curated by Kirsten Rann The NotFair exhibition features some fantastic works and artists. I am extremely proud to be a part of the show with World Species Market, 2014 & Counting One to Four:...

Waterhouse Natural History Science Art Prize
Counting One to Four: Nature morte is a finalist in The Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize. The Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize commemorates the birth of the South Australian Museum’s first curator, Frederick George Waterhouse. The biennial prize is an...