Counting One to Four, Linden New Art

Visualising the 2014 IPCC report Exhibition: Counting One to Four, Linden Projects: Atmosphere Exhibition runs till the 12th of July 2015 In 1972, 114 nations attended the first Earth Summit in Stockholm, Sweden to discuss the environment. Since this date 20...

Linden Innovators Exhibition – June 2014

My exhibition in Linden’s Innovators is quickly coming around. The opening night is on the 26th of June  and I would love to see you there.  The exhibition runs from the 27th of June till the 3rd of August. Trade highlights the impact of commodities produced for...

Us and Them – Umwelten. Project Space, RMIT

Installation Images from the Exhibition Essay by Linda Williams, opened by Linda Williams and Kate Rigby Eight artists from the RMIT Global Ecologies Research Group respond to German ethologist Jacob von Uexkull’s theory of ‘umwelt’, which suggests...

Making Sense, Craft Victoria

Installation images from the Making Sense Exhibition, Jasmine Targett and Debbie Symons at Craft Victoria. Download the catalogue MAKING SENSE                      ...